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Student Handbook

Kapuskasing District High School Student Handbook 2024-2025


Every student at KDHS has the right to a safe and supportive environment conducive to effective learning and to attitudes of mutual respect and trust in order to have the opportunity to experience success.  The Code of Conduct is designed to "promote and support respect, civility, responsible citizenship, and safety" in accordance with the policies of District School Board Ontario North East and the Provincial Code of Conduct.


Students, parents, teachers, and non-teaching support staff have rights and responsibilities related to education.


Every student at KDHS has the right to:
  • a meaningful education;
  • an appropriate and challenging curriculum;
  • the freedom from physical and verbal harassment;
  • help in making decisions regarding program and career goals;
  • a pleasant school atmosphere;
  • access to all programs in the school;
  • discipline in a humane manner;
  • assistance from teachers; and
  • treatment with respect and dignity
In order to experience success at KDHS, every student has the responsibility for:
  • meeting the requirements of his/her courses to the best of his/her ability;
  • participating positively in the educational process;
  • making up work when classes are missed;
  • respecting the rights of other students and all school personnel;
  • behaving in a socially acceptable manner;
  • knowing and obeying the Code of Conduct;
  • respecting himself or herself;
  • attending punctually and regularly;
  • respecting school property;
  • taking responsibility for his/her own actions and words;
  • seeking required assistance from teachers, guidance counsellors, education assistants, the Special Education Resource Teacher, and the Student Success Teacher;
  • refraining from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others; and
  • refraining from any bullying, violent, or harassing behaviour as outlined in the District School Board Ontario North East's Anti-bullying, Violence Prevention, OSR, and Anti-harassment policies.


As one of the key partners in a student's learning, the parents have the right to:   
  • the knowledge that students are provided with a worthwhile program;
  • communication from the school on a regular basis; and
  • discussion with teachers and school administration regarding any concern for their child.
Inherent in these rights is the responsibility for:
  • the prompt, regular attendance of their child;
  • co-operation with the school in developing positive attitudes to learning and school behaviour;
  • discussion with their child about progress in school;
  • an active interest in their child's concerns;
  • the provision of an appropriate time and place for homework to be done;
  • helping their child be neat, appropriately dressed and prepared for school;
  • prompt report of the school of their child's absence or late arrival;
  • encouraging and assisting their child in following the rules of behaviour; and
  • assisting the school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child.


As another of the key partners in a student's learning, teachers have the right to:
  • treatment with respect and dignity;
  • the expectation of reasonable behaviour in the classroom;
  • support in the performance of their duties;
  • co-operation from all students in the execution of their duties inside or outside of the classroom'; and
  • exclusion from a class period of a student who is being disruptive and/or not trying to achieve [with the concurrence of the school administration].
Teachers have the responsibility for:
  • the management of their classrooms;
  • reports of progress and conduct to the parents and school administration;
  • knowledge, and consistent and fair enforcement of Code of Conduct;
  • assistance, both inside and outside of class, to students in learning;
  • protection of the rights of students;
  • contact with parents whenever necessary;
  • sensitivity to students as individuals by recognizing individual differences;
  • the planning and conducting of an effective program;
  • performance as a kind, but firm and judicious, parent;
  • helping students work to their full potential and develop their self-worth;
  • empowering students to be positive leaders in their classroom, school, and community;
  • demonstrating respect for all students, staff, parents, volunteers, and the members of the school community; and
  • preparing student for the full responsibilities of citizenship.

Non-teaching Support Staff     

As another of the key partners in a student's learning, the non-teaching support staff have the right to:
  • treatment with respect and dignity.

Non-teaching Support Staff have the responsibility to:

  • help students work to their full potential and develop their self-worth;
  • empower students to be positive leaders in their classroom, school, and community;
  • maintain consistent of behaviour for all students;
  • demonstrate respect for all students, staff, parents, volunteers, and the members of the school community; and
  • prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship.


Throughout one's school life, one must respect the authority of people, who, because of their position, have been granted the authority, under the Education Act and the Ontario Code of Conduct, to impose certain requirements for academic diligence and proper behaviour.
The rules, which have been established, are few in number and are not intended to be difficult for students to follow.  They are grounded in respect for self and for others, and have been endorsed by the teachers, parents [through the School Council], and the students.  The teaching, secretarial, and custodial staffs and school bus drivers all work diligently to make the school year a happy and successful one.  They deserve courtesy, consideration, and respect.  They deserve the right to be free from verbal and physical abuse.

Expected Behaviour

  • Students are expected to be courteous to all school staff including the teachers; educational assistants; monitor; secretaries; technicians; the maintenance, custodial and cafeteria staff, and bus drivers.
  • Students who are sent out of class are to report immediately to the Main Office.
  • Students, who are transported by a school bus, are expected to comply with the school bus rules.


Each person in the school has the right to be safe and feel comfortable, in a non-threatening environment.     

Expected Behaviour     

  • Students must respect everybody's right to equality, tolerance, respect, and understanding.  Physical, verbal (oral or written), sexual, or psychological harassment and/or abuse; bullying; and discrimination on the basis of race, culture, religion, gender, language, disability, sexual orientation, or any other attribute are unacceptable.
  • Students have the right to a safe environment free from physical harm arising from fights; conduct considered boisterous, rowdy, and unruly; the presence of weapons – real or imitation; and the use of rollerblades and/ or skateboards on school property.
  • Students have the right to an environment free from swearing, bullying including cyber bullying, harassment, abuse, and disruptions arising from the use of illegal substances.
  • Students are expected not to engage in any inappropriate behaviour.
    • Inappropriate behaviour includes any behaviour that disrupts the positive school climate and/or has a negative impact on the school community – whether committed on or off school property, during or outside school hours.
Inappropriate behaviour may also include, but is not limited to, one of the following infractions:
  • Any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the moral tone of the school;
  • Any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the physical or mental well-being of any member of the school community; and
  • Any act considered by the principal to be contrary to the Board or school Code of Conduct.


A respectful attitude towards one's self and others creates a positive social atmosphere and learning environment.

Expected Behaviour

  • Students must speak, act, and dress in a manner appropriate to an educational setting.
  • Students must remove any head covering when they enter the building.  Hats and bandanas are not to be worn inside the Kapuskasing Education Centre.  The exception is head-covering for religious reasons.
  • Students shall not wear outdoor apparel in class; for example, winter boots, outdoor jackets and coats.
  • Clothing or accessories displaying improper language, mock improper language, and/or alcohol-related or drug-related information will not be allowed in school. 
  • Clothing must cover the body from the neck to the mid thigh.  No undergarments are to be visible.  No muscle shirts are to be worn.
  • Sandals deemed unsafe by school staff [for example, flipflop beach sandals] are not permitted.  Thong sandals, with wide, sturdy straps [a minimum of 2.5 cm in width] may be worn.
  • Sunglasses may not be worn over the eyes inside the building.  Prescription transition lenses are acceptable.
  • Students are to limit demonstrations of affection to hand-holding.  Body contact is not permitted.
  • Students, by provincial statute, may not smoke on school property.
  • Students must not be in possession of drugs, equipment related to drug production or use, or alcohol, or must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school or during any school activity.
  • Students must not use profane or improper language at school or during a school activity.
  • A helmet must be worn by any student while he/ she is skiing or snowboarding on any approved school trip.


The cost of maintaining school buildings, equipment, and resources is assumed by the taxpayer-parent.  Any additional costs created by wanton acts of vandalism are, if the guilty person is unknown, also assumed by taxpayer.  Students must dispose of their own garbage and not create any clutter, disorder, or disarray deliberately in the cafeteria. 

Expected Behaviour

  • All posters must be signed by the Principal or secretary before they are put up.
  • Students shall not damage and/or destroy any school property.
  • Students are expected to keep the school clean, attractive, and safe, to the best of their abilities.
  • Students will pay for any lost book or other resource from the Learning Resources Centre.  Students are also expected to pay library fines and restitution for any vandalized or damaged school property.
  • Students must not access the belongings of others without specific permission from the owner of the article(s).


The following restrictions make it easier to ensure personal safety and security of public and private property.  It also enables staff to do their tasks without interference.  

Expected Behaviour

  • Students are not to leave bags and outdoor apparel left in hallways because they are safety hazards.  
  • Students are expected to be in non-restricted areas only.  The lower hallway, which gives access to storage, DJPS change rooms, and the lower gym, is out of bounds to all KDHS students, unless authorized and accompanied by a member of staff.
  • Students must not be in classrooms, the auditorium, gyms, computer labs, and other such areas unless the students are authorized to use the areas and are supervised by a member of staff.
  • No student should be in the school after 3:30 p.m. unless attending an authorized activity.  School doors will be locked at 3:30 p.m.
  • Students are not permitted in the hallways at lunch until 12:20 p.m.
  • Non-scheduled time must be spent in designated areas [foyer, Learning Resources Centre, and cafeteria].
  • Students are not allowed in the hallways during class time without authorization.  Students on a spare period will proceed at the beginning of the period to the library or cafeteria.  Lockers are out of bounds, unless the student is authorized to be there by a member of staff.
  • Students are not permitted to loiter in the staircases or in the entranceways at any time.
  • All food and beverages are to be consumed in the cafeteria only.
  • While students are suspended, they are not permitted on school property or on a school bus.  They may not attend any meetings or practices.


Punctuality is an expectation in personal relationships, in the classroom, at school activities, and on the job.

Expected Behaviour

  • Students are expected to be seated in period 1 by 8:55 a.m. each morning.
  • Students who are late for class are to report to their class.  If the student who is late is under 18, he/she is expected to bring a note signed by his/her parents/guardians to provide a reason for the tardiness.
  • Students are expected to be seated promptly at the beginning of each class session and to be on time for all other scheduled activities.


Good attendance is essential for success in school.  Absenteeism affects not only the progress of the student, but also the progress of the rest of the class.  Prospective employers are usually interested in school attendance records.

Expected Behaviour

  • A student who misses one or more full days of school or part of a day will sign in through the Main Office and provide a note which includes a date and reason and which is signed by his/her parent/ guardian, if he/she is under 18.  If he/she is 18 years of age or older, he/she will outline the reason for the absence.  The parent or guardian may also call the school and leave a message instead of writing a note.
  • For any absence, except for illness or bereavement, parents should notify the school in advance.
  • Any student who needs to sign out during the day will report to the Main Office before homeroom with a note which includes a date and reason and which is signed by a parent/ guardian.
  • In the case of illness, a parent or guardian must be contacted before the student under the age of 18 is allowed to leave.


To get the most from each class, it is essential that students be well prepared.  Students must come to class with homework completed and the necessary equipment for that subject as outlined by that teacher.  Students shall complete, on their own time, all work missed during an absence.  Upon their return, students shall make arrangements for the completion of all class work, tests, and assignments missed.


Students are expected to demonstrate honesty at all times.  Plagiarism is the practice of taking credit for work which has already been published or evaluated or has been submitted for evaluation under someone else's name.  More details are to be found in the school's plagiarism policy.


  • To be eligible for a team, a student must have paid the school activity and athletic fees.
  • Students are expected to have an average of at least 60% to participate on school teams and in clubs and organizations.  Students who do not meet this criterion on their latest report card will not be allowed to participate until the circumstances are reviewed by the Principal and teachers.  Other factors, such as effort, will be considered during the review.
  • Students who have an out-of-school suspension will not be permitted to play or to attend practice during the suspension, or to attend or participate in any school activity.


  • District School Board Ontario North East, in order to support learning in the classroom and promote safety and security of the students and employees, prohibits the use and/or display of handheld electronic communications, (i.e. cell phones), listening devices (i.e. music) and related equipment (i.e. earphones) on all school property during the regular school hours of operation by students.


  • Skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, snowboards, and other personal transportation devices are not permitted on school grounds or in the building.


Expected Behaviour

  • Students are expected to comply with the school bus rules which are designed to ensure the safety of all students traveling to and from school.  Inappropriate behaviour on the school bus may result in loss of bus privileges, as per the Tri-Board Transportation Policy and your school discipline procedures. 


Expected Behaviour

  • Students are expected to comply with the provisions of the school's code of behaviour on a school field trip.


  • If students are on a school trip of any kind or duration and their behaviour is inappropriate, their parents will be notified and they will be sent home.  Their parents will be required to pay for their return transportation. Further consequences are possible, pending a full report from the teacher supervisor.

POLICIES OF K.D.H.S.         

Every student is expected to have on file at K.D.H.S. a signed copy of the computer use/ Internet policy and the plagiarism policy.